Ministering to Orphans and the Elderly

James 1:27 states, "This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and keep oneself unstained by the world."

This practice not only protects oneself from worldly contamination but also demonstrates love and human compassion by offering care and affection to those in need. Such gestures can profoundly impact individuals, providing them with a moment where they feel cared for and loved, ultimately altering their perspective on life forever.

Deep down, all individuals yearn to feel accepted and loved, just like everyone else.

Visiting Childrens Homes, Ministering to Orphans and Telling Them that Someone Loves Them and His Name is JESUS CHRIST

On 10/10/10, we had 10 days of prayer to seek God for our vision of our Youth Ministry Outreach program. On day 2, one of our main visions was to visit as many children's homes as possible for the simple purpose of ministering to orphans and widows and to share with them that God loves them very much. So after this time of prayer, we called several children's homes to see if we could visit with their youth and our timing was divine because the children's homes that we called were setting up events for Christians.

The last children's home that we visited in the year 2010 was at 2PM on Christmas Eve at the Smokey Mountain Children's Home in Downtown Sevierville, TN. In the 3 hours that we were there giving out Christmas gifts to all, and ministering to the youth, we experienced great results.

One of the boys that we talked to by the name of Joey, told us that his parents were on drugs and had abused him and his siblings. In fact, some of the abuse we will not mention here. Joey told us that he forgave his father, and also that he wanted no part of drugs and that lifestyle. He was ready for a good change in his life.

Every child had a different circumstance, and yet every situation stemmed from the same source, and it was not God. As we told various kids of how God was love, and how much God loved them, it must have taken root with some of them. For me personally, I was one of the boys who were there to pray and ask Jesus into his heart. As we all know from scripture, the angels in Heaven and the angels on Earth are rejoicing, because this young boy just gave his life to Jesus and he is no longer an orphan, He is now a child of God. It is amazing to me that if we do what God tells us, and do our part, God will do his part and allow us to be a part of the experience.

- Shelby Gilmer

January 4, 2011

Dear Friends,

We want to express our sincere gratitude for what you have done for our children here at the Smokey Mountain Children's Home.

While Christmas is a very joyous time for most children, here at the Smokey Mountain Children's Home, it is one of the hardest times of the year. So many of our children have never truly had a Christmas, many coming from families and backgrounds where Christmas could never be a reality. For some of our children, it is a difficult time, because they think of Mom or Dad who abandoned them, and Christmas is a reminder of the family they don't have.

You have no idea the impact you have on our children. There is excitement in their voices as they share with each other the things they have received this Christmas. This is something we could not provide if it wasn't for your sacrifice and gifts.

I would love for you to celebrate Christmas was us again in 2011. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to be a part of the S.M.C.H. Christmas holiday in 2011.

Thank you again for loving our children and being a part of their lives. We could not do what we do without your sacrifices.


Carmel Zarisky - Administrative Assistant

Jackie Schlosser - Accounting Assistant